Original Components

We are using components of the original providers of the software only, doesn’t matter if these components are microservices, binaries, HELM-scripts or other scripts and images.

Our guarantee:

  • We do not use third party installer like helm-scripts which are black boxes for the user.
  • We do not use third-party images like binaries or microservices which can contain malware.
  • We are always using original artefacts from original providers (CentOS, Alpine, …).
  • We build up the images or microservices from the scratch with original components like Alpine for Microservices, if no original build artefacts are available by the provider.

Are you interested? Contact

Jörn Kleinbub

YOTRON GmbH is founded by Jörn Kleinbub. A consultant for data management, IT automation, DevOps and cloud management with experience in a wide range of project for a lot of different customers in different sectors.

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