YOTRON supports IONOS SE in the developing of a OpenSource BI/BigData platform with IONOS Cloud and Kubernetes

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IONOS SE as part of United Internet Group has the approach to anchoring their own services provided by IONOS more deeply in the company. One aspect of that approach is the usage of their own Cloud provider “IONOS Cloud”. YOTRON supports the BI/BigDate-department in the usage of the Cloud for their services.

YOTRON supports the advent of DevOps, Cloud and Kubernetes

Goal of the usage of Kubernetes and IONOS Cloud is the seamless integration into the IONOS network. All BI/BigData-applications running in the Cloud shall be reachable in the usual manner. We support IONOS to reach that goal successfully.

We introduced IONOS Cloud, Docker and Kubernetes and generally DevOps with their processes in the department from the scratch to the management and members in Workshops and set up the Cloud environment with Kubernetes, databases and additional services provided by IONOS Cloud.

Important topics are the securing of the environment against unauthorized access, providing reliable and reusable components in the Cloud and Kubernetes and integrating the components into the authentication requirements of IONOS/1&1.

Introducing IaC and CI/CD with GitLab, Docker, Terraform und HELM

From the beginning Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles are used to provide the Cloud environment for the department. We focus on Terraform for establishing of Cloud services and HELM for Kubernetes services.

We introduced new CI/CD principles based on GitLab, Docker and HELM to provide automated pipelines for creating and updating the Cloud environment, Docker images and HELM packages.

Developing of an OpenSource BI-Platform

As a project we established an BI-Platform based on OpenSource Components like Apache Superset, Trino, Apache Druid, HIVE … with the usage of the reliable data storage S3 of IONOS Cloud for data provisioning.

We integrated the components into the authentication requirements of IONOS with Single Sign On and LDAP by developing authentication mechanism with Python.

Need more information? Let's arrange a call.

Jörn Kleinbub

YOTRON GmbH is founded by Jörn Kleinbub. A consultant for data management, IT automation, DevOps and cloud management with experience in a wide range of project for a lot of different customers in different sectors.

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