Rapid Application Development is a software development principle to use pre-given and frequently needed components of a software application to accelerate the software development process massively. These components are for example functions for user authentication and authorization, user management (self-registration of a user, deactivating an account) but also application designs. With the usage of pre-given component, a lot of development tasks are omitted what rapidly accelerates the software development.
YOTRON put these development principles one step ahead and uses a Kubernetes-ready Rapid Application Development framework. The Kubernetes deployment is an integrated part of the software development, means the software we provide for you is Kubernetes-Ready out-of-the-box.
An example of a software project build with our framework is our S3App-WebApplication, a client to scrape an S3-compatible object storage provider independent. You find the framework code in GitHub.
How are we working?
We are using a productive ready Rapid Development Framework FLASK-AppBuilder programmed in Python which is used in a lot of WebApplication like Apache Superset.
We have a running application from the start of the development process!
We extended the framework with an own HELM project optimized to run FLASK-projects in Kubernetes, a upgrade process for new software releases and added a deployment for PyPi. Our WebDevelopments are running in Kubernetes just like in every OS with Python3 out-of-the-box.
In a Minimum Viable Product we simply add your own business logic to the framework to provide a productive ready web application. If needed, all components are extendable to support your specific requirements like a corporate design or to connect your authentication method like LDAP or SSO.
What can you expect?
Our framework supports the following task out-of-the-box
for the application
- Python based framework for web applications and REST based applications
- User authentication and authorization
- User authentication with name/password, LDAP and SSO
- User management with login, self-registration, user editing, password change
- Connection to a variant of databases like SqlLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL …
- An individual configured Role Based Access Control for authorization
- Responsive Web Design based on Bootstrap
- Application Versioning
- Upgrade process for database in case of new software releases
- An offline runable development environment
to run the application
- Helm deployment to run the application in Kubernetes
- PyPi deployment to run the application on your managed host
- An immediately runable web application in Kubernetes and PyPi
- Docker build process for your application
- Ingress Controlling
- A manual to configure the application already exists
- LoadBalancing and proxying of your application with NGINX
- Securing application with TLS (https)
- Database deployment based on Bitnami
- Secured password handling with our HELM secret project
Our service
We support the rapid development process of your application project. With
- introducing our Kubernetes-ready Rapid Application Development for your staff an in your environment (Git, K8S, SSO, LDAP …),
- developing your needed business logic,
- provide the environment for the application in the public Cloud like AWS or Azure and
- taking over the operational tasks to run the application.
You want to see the starting point of the Rapid Application Development process?
We have a fully running application prepared. It is showing only an simple welcome landing page, but you must login with admin/admin, you are able to manage your users, change passwords, ….
You can test the Application in Kubernetes or on every other Operating System like your local Laptop with Python3 (PyPi). Installation descriptions are added to the deployments.
Here are the URLs to the deployments and other content:
Type | Provider | URL |
Python Package (PyPi) | pypi.org | https://pypi.org/project/k8srad/ |
HELM package | artifacthub.io / helm.yotron.de | https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/yotron-helm-charts/k8srad |
Kubernetes-Ready RAD | yotron.de | https://www.yotron.de/blog/kuberentesreadyrad/ |
Container | hub.docker.com | https://hub.docker.com/r/yotronpublic/k8srad |
More questions or you want a demo. Simply get in touch with us per EMail or per phone via our contact